
At PT Prima Agro Tech, we address the challenges of using bacteria in agriculture by offering advanced microbial-consortium solutions, overcoming the limitations of single-strain microbes and their traditionally short shelf life. Our products are designed with a focus on effectiveness, not just in controlled environments but also in large-scale, real-world applications. We guarantee a minimum 3-year shelf life for all our products, ensuring long-term viability and sustained impact.

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BACTOHORTI, a multi-strain microbial fertiliser, is naturally engineered to increase vegetative growth and fruit/tuber production. It boosts plant immunity, helping to prevent diseases. Significantly, it improves fertiliser uptake, reducing chemical use by up to 30%. 
BACTOPLUS, a multi-strain microbial fertiliser, is specially formulated to enhance the production of fruit and latex and the growth of roots, stems, and leaves in various plants.
BIOKILLIA is a multi-strain microbial insecticide that is highly effective in controlling pests such as aphids, mealybugs, and mites. Its key composition includes Verticillium lecanii and Isaria fumosorosea, both known for their targeted action against these common agricultural pests.
BIOTRACOL, a microbial fungicide, is formulated to combat various plant diseases, including fruit rot, bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, clubroot, bacterial leaf blight, and rice blast.
BT-MAX is a biocontrol product effectively designed for managing pests such as fall armyworms, leaf worms, diamondback moths, cutworms, and nematodes. 
BT-PLUS is a microbial insecticide specifically designed as a biocontrol agent for pests, including rice stem borer, fall armyworm, black cutworm, thrips, and nematodes. 
CRYSOKILL, a microbial insecticide, is tailored to act as a biocontrol for leaf beetle/pumpkin beetle (Chrysomelidae family), cocoa pod borer (Canopomorpha sp.), and scarab beetle larvae (Scarabaeidae family). 
DECOHUMAT, a biological soil conditioner and humate, is designed to enhance soil health with its unique blend of decomposing microbes. These microbes are adept at cellulolytic, ligninolytic, and proteolytic decomposition, making them highly effective in bioremediation and controlling soil-borne diseases. 
DECOPRIMA, an aerobic decomposer and bio-sterilisation agent, is adept at handling various agricultural and organic waste challenges. It contains cellulolytic, ligninolytic, and proteolytic microbes, making it highly effective in decomposing rice straws, crop residues, livestock manure, and other organic materials. 
DecoURINE is a specialised microbial product designed for urine nitrification. It contains nitrification and nitration microbes, including Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrobacter sp., which convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates. 
EndoPalma is a microbial fertiliser specifically formulated for oil palm cultivation. It contains Trichoderma harzianum, a fungus known for its ability to antagonise endophytes against Ganoderma boninense, the pathogen causing basal stem rot disease in oil palms. 
ENTOMOBAC is a microbial insecticide designed for effective biocontrol against various pests, including fruit borer, leaf miners, psyllidae, planthopper, and scarab beetle larvae. 
HumaTOP is an organic soil remediation product that enhances soil health and plant growth. It improves the efficiency of fertiliser absorption and increases the soil's Cation Exchange Capacity, reducing the need for synthetic fertilisers. 
HumatPRO is a product designed to enhance plant growth and resilience significantly. It focuses on increasing grain filling, the size and number of fruits and tubers, and the quantity of seeds or pods. This leads to more robust and productive plants.
IMUNOSEED is a microbial seed treatment product designed to fortify seeds with endophytic microbes for enhanced disease resistance. This innovative seed treatment or immunisation approach effectively prevents and controls various plant diseases, including damping off, bacterial wilt, pythium rot, and fusarium wilt. 
METARIZEP, a microbial insecticide, is tailored to act as a biocontrol agent against pests like brown planthoppers, rice seed bugs, aphids, and thrips. 
MICROBLAS, a microbial fungicide, is specifically formulated to control plant diseases, including Cercospora leaf spot, black sigatoka, Alternaria leaf spot, and powdery mildew. 
MOLERIMAX, a bio-fungicide in a wettable powder form, is designed to combat plant diseases through its unique formulation. This product is particularly effective against shallot rot and fusarium wilt, providing a targeted approach to disease control. 
NANOKOKUS is a microbial insecticide specially formulated to control mosquito larvae and rice gall midge. This product provides an eco-friendly and effective solution for managing these agricultural and environmental challenges. 
noAPHIDSS, a microbial insecticide, is tailored to act as a biocontrol agent against various types of aphids, whiteflies and leafhopper pests. 
NutriPlan is an essential organic plant nutrition product expertly designed to enhance the growth and development of flowers, fruits, and tuber filling. It is crucial in increasing a plant's resistance to environmental stress, ensuring robust growth under various conditions. 
OrizaPlus is a microbial fertiliser specifically formulated to boost plants' production and growth of roots, tillers, and leaves. It significantly enhances plant immunity, offering preventive measures against diseases such as bacterial leaf blight and neck blast. 
PAENAMAXI is a microbial fungicide crafted to effectively control a range of plant diseases, including rice blast, bacterial leaf blight, purple spot, Alternaria leaf spot, powdery mildew, downy mildew, and coffee leaf rust. 
PRIMADECO, a microbial fungicide, is expertly formulated to combat key plant diseases such as bacterial leaf blight, rice blast, bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, and powdery mildew. 
SEUDOFLOR is a plant root protector formulated with microbes to effectively control diseases like bacterial wilt, wet rot, soft rot, and late blight.
TERRABIO is a microbial fertiliser designed to enhance the growth and yield of fruits, tubers, roots, stems, and leaves in plants. It plays a significant role in boosting plant immunity and providing prevention against root diseases.
VERTIPLUS is a microbial insecticide specifically designed to serve as an effective biocontrol against pests such as mealybugs, whitefly, leafhoppers, and psyllidae.