CRYSOKILL, a microbial insecticide, is tailored to act as a biocontrol for leaf beetle/pumpkin beetle (Chrysomelidae family), cocoa pod borer (Canopomorpha sp.), and scarab beetle larvae (Scarabaeidae family). 

The product incorporates the effective properties of Cordyceps fumosorosea and Metarhizium robertsii. These complementary microbes work together to provide an environmentally sustainable solution to these specific pest issues, aiding in the protection of crops and contributing to healthier agricultural practices.

Key Composition

Cordyceps fumosorosea isolate B3
Metarhizium robertsii strain 6EIKEN

Solution For
Cocoa Pod Borer, Leaf Beetle, Pumpkin Beetle, Scarab Beetle Larvae

Explore Solutions


SEUDOFLOR is a plant root protector formulated with microbes to effectively control diseases like bacterial wilt, wet rot, soft rot, and late blight.


VERTIPLUS is a microbial insecticide specifically designed to serve as an effective biocontrol against pests such as mealybugs, whitefly, leafhoppers, and psyllidae.


MICROBLAS, a microbial fungicide, is specifically formulated to control plant diseases, including Cercospora leaf spot, black sigatoka, Alternaria leaf spot, and powdery mildew. 


BACTOHORTI, a multi-strain microbial fertiliser, is naturally engineered to increase vegetative growth and fruit/tuber production. It boosts plant immunity, helping to prevent diseases. Significantly, it improves fertiliser uptake, reducing chemical use by up to 30%. 


DecoURINE is a specialised microbial product designed for urine nitrification. It contains nitrification and nitration microbes, including Nitrosomonas sp. and Nitrobacter sp., which convert ammonia into nitrites and nitrates. 


BIOTRACOL, a microbial fungicide, is formulated to combat various plant diseases, including fruit rot, bacterial wilt, fusarium wilt, clubroot, bacterial leaf blight, and rice blast.

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