
PRIMA Agro Tech's microbial fertilizers, tailored for palm trees (Palmae family), effectively combat fungal diseases like Cercospora, Curvularia, and anthracnose in seedlings. Additionally, they provide a biological means of disease management to control Ganoderma boninense, a devastating palm disease leading to basal stem rot, and to prevent fusarium wilt, supporting sustainable palm cultivation practices.

Microbial Solution

Understanding that Palmae, or palm trees, require a rich and balanced soil ecosystem to flourish, PRIMA Agro Tech has developed a solution that feeds the soil first, creating a sustainable foundation for plant growth. Our biological fertilisers are teeming with a beneficial consortium of microbes that work in concert with palm tree roots, facilitating a more efficient conversion and absorption of soil nutrients.

The result is not just a temporary surge in growth but a long-term improvement in soil structure. This is vital for the Palmae family, whose large, evergreen leaves indicate their health. Enhanced soil health ensures better water management and aeration, leading to more robust root systems and, ultimately, more resilient plants capable of withstanding environmental stressors.

PRIMA Agro Tech’s fertilisers contribute to regenerative agriculture. By reducing the need for chemical fertilisers, we help maintain the soil’s natural vitality, serving as an investment in long-term fertility and regenerative farming practices.

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