Stem Borer

The stem borer, specifically the Scirpophaga species, is a critical pest in rice farming, known for its destructive impact on crop health and yield. PRIMA Agro Tech addresses this challenge with biocontrol microorganisms like Bacillus thuringiensis and Serratia marcescens. These agents are specifically employed to target and control stem borer populations, offering a sustainable and effective solution to protect rice crops from the extensive damage caused by this pest.

About Pest

The larvae of the white rice stem borer are a significant threat to rice cultivation. Adult moths lay eggs on rice stems, and the hatched larvae burrow into the stems, consuming the internal tissue. This infestation leads to symptoms like drying or dying of leaves and the appearance of a white, dead panicle, which easily detaches when pulled. 

During the vegetative growth period, ‘dead hearts’ occur, characterised by the central part of the shoot dying. In the generative phase, ‘whitehead’ symptoms appear, where the panicles fail to develop properly. These symptoms signal severe damage to the plant’s vascular system, hindering nutrient and water transport and resulting in stunted growth and significant yield losses.

Microbial Consortium

To combat the stem borers, PRIMA Agro Tech utilises:

Bacillus thuringiensis strain 4042: This bacterium produces toxins specifically harmful to certain insects, including the stem borer. When ingested by the larvae, these toxins disrupt their digestive systems, leading to starvation and death. Bacillus thuringiensis is effective because it targets the pest without harming beneficial insects or the environment.

Serratia marcescens strain NPKC3_2_21: This bacterium acts as a biocontrol agent by producing toxic compounds for the stem borer. It also competes with the pest for resources, limiting its ability to thrive and damage the crop.

These biocontrol methods provide an integrated approach to managing stem borer infestations, focusing on disrupting life cycles and minimising the damage inflicted on rice crops.

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