Fusarium Wilt

Fusarium wilt is a destructive plant disease caused by the Fusarium sp. fungus. It is a significant agricultural challenge, known for attacking the plant’s vital water and nutrient transport systems.

In response, PRIMA Agro Tech has developed a sophisticated microbial solution, leveraging the strengths of Streptomyces thermovulgaris, Geobacillus thermocatenulatus, and Trichoderma harzianum.

These microorganisms work synergistically to inhibit Fusarium sp., enhance soil health, and bolster plant defences, offering a comprehensive and sustainable approach to managing Fusarium wilt and ensuring the health and productivity of crops.

About the Plant Disease

Fusarium sp. specifically targets the plant’s water and nutrient transport system, typically affecting the stem or the base of the stem. The damage to the transport tissues can have severe implications for plant health and productivity.


Various species within the Fusarium genus cause Fusarium wilt. These fungi infiltrate plants’ vascular systems, disrupting water and nutrients transportation. This blockage has a range of detrimental effects on the plant’s overall health. Fusarium species are soil-borne and can persist in the soil for extended periods, making them particularly challenging to manage.

Symptoms & Damage

The symptoms of Fusarium wilt include:

  • Wilting: Plants exhibit wilting during the day, starting from the lower parts of the plant, often more pronounced under high temperatures and bright sunlight
  • Recovery at Night: Affected plants may appear to recover or become refreshed overnight or in cooler morning hours
  • Yellowing and Death: As the disease progresses, the wilting becomes permanent, and plants may begin to turn yellow, eventually leading to plant death

Microbial Consortium

PRIMA Agro Tech has devised an advanced microbial solution to combat fusarium wilt, leveraging specific strains known for their biocontrol and plant-protective properties. PRIMA Agro Tech provides a robust solution against Fusarium wilt by integrating these microorganisms into a comprehensive disease management strategy. This approach not only addresses the immediate threat posed by Fusarium sp. but also enhances the long-term health and productivity of the plants, ensuring sustainable and effective disease control.

Streptomyces thermovulgaris strain 09924-c8Ka-50-3: This strain is a powerhouse in producing antifungal compounds that specifically target the Fusarium species. It disrupts the fungal cell walls and interferes with their metabolic pathways, reducing their ability to infect and damage the plant’s vascular system. Additionally, Streptomyces thermovulgaris helps enhance the soil microbiome, creating a more hostile environment for Fusarium spores.

Geobacillus thermocatenulatus strain KNOUC105: Adapted to thrive in warm soil conditions, this bacterium competes effectively with Fusarium sp. for resources and space in the soil. Its presence in the rhizosphere limits the growth and spread of Fusarium, thereby reducing the incidence of wilt. Moreover, Geobacillus thermocatenulatus contributes to the soil’s overall health, promoting beneficial microbial activity that supports plant growth.

Trichoderma harzianum strain CBS101525: Renowned as a biocontrol agent, Trichoderma harzianum forms a symbiotic relationship with plant roots, offering a protective barrier against Fusarium invasion. It secretes a variety of enzymes that break down the cell walls of Fusarium fungi, effectively inhibiting their growth. In addition to its direct antagonistic effects, this fungus stimulates the plant’s immune responses, making it more resilient to Fusarium wilt and other diseases.

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